show of hands

an indication of approval, disapproval, volunteering, etc., on the part of a group of persons, usually made by each assenting person raising his or her hand.
Examples from the web for show of hands
  • Perhaps a show of hands is the scientific way today.
  • The meeting is again open to everyone, and the voting is also open, by show of hands.
  • Ask for a show of hands for those students who accurately predicted the story topic based on the vocabulary.
  • The show of hands up are sufficient for the voting process and if hands are not shown, they will be cut off.
  • And at some caucus sites, especially in lower-population areas, votes are cast by a show of hands.
  • Again with a show of hands find out how many are dealing with these issues at work.
British Dictionary definitions for show of hands

show of hands

the raising of hands to indicate voting for or against a proposition
Idioms and Phrases with show of hands

show of hands

An informal vote made by participants holding up one hand each to indicate a choice, as in Let's have a show of hands—how many want the next meeting on a Sunday? [ Late 1700s ]